Published June 2021
Welcome to the second issue of the Strengthening Families Journal – the regular publication dedicated to capturing learning from the Strengthening Families, Protecting Children (SFPC) programme.
SFPC is a five-year Department for Education programme to support local authorities improve their work with families and safely reduce the number of children entering care by implementing successful sector-designed innovations.
The Strengthening Families Learning Journal shares learning from the Programme, focusing on the changes to systems and practice taking place in local authorities across England, where teams are adopting three recent innovations in children’s social care: Hertfordshire’s Family Safeguarding; Leeds’ Family Valued and North Yorkshire’s No Wrong Door.
Who is the journal for?
The Strengthening Families Journal is intended for people working in, and in partnership with, children’s social care. Directors and service managers and frontline practitioners, along with partners from education, health, housing, police and adult services, will all find articles relevant to their work. In fact, anyone interested in the role innovation has to play in improving children’s lives will find something of interest.
About the second issue
This issue of the Strengthening Families Learning Journal looks at how the three innovations are changing the way practitioners in the children’s social care workforce do their work and the conditions in which they are working.
You will learn about how training provided by Hertfordshire County Councils, Leeds City Council and North Yorkshire County Council is helping to build practitioners’ confidence; how coaching and core practices like relational working and motivational interviewing are changing cultures, and about how multi-agency teams are working together to share risk and create new opportunities for staff as well as children and families.
- Start anywhere – How innovating in one area of practice is changing a whole system
- Working together to make Warwickshire brilliant for children and families
- Retaining great social workers
- Motivating families and sharing risk: How Family Safeguarding is building the confidence of frontline practitioners
- Findings from the first pilot evaluation: Cambridgeshire adopting Family Safeguarding
- The drum beat of culture change: How No Wrong Door changes hearts and minds as well as practice
- From No Wrong Door to New Roads in Norfolk
- No Wrong Door in Warrington – Yes we can!
- Coaching for innovation in strengthening families

Do you have any feedback?
We would welcome your feedback on the Journal so we can ensure the series adds as much value as possible. Look out for opportunities to provide feedback via reader reviews, surveys and social media in the coming months on our website.