Safeguarding is protecting a person’s rights to live in safety and free from abuse and neglect. This collection of training, improvement support, consultancy and resources is designed to help local authorities, health and care providers, safeguarding boards, churches and faith groups to safeguard those at risk.
Safeguarding adults and children training courses
Classroom, tailored and e-learning safeguarding training courses. Supporting you to make sure that safeguarding measures are in place to safeguard adults and children from harm or neglect.
Safeguarding consultancy, reviews and audits
Expert support to review and learn from safeguarding incidents including statutory case reviews, routine audits and learning reviews across children’s and adults’ services.
Support on conducting statutory reviews, learning reviews and audit, CPD accredited training, e-learning and free guides and resources.
Support on case reviews and audits for local children safeguarding boards or equivalent, care and health providers, faith, and criminal justice agencies, plus training, e-learning and resources.
User-led Organisations
An overview of guidance on safeguarding for trustees and management committee members of User-led Organisations (ULOs).
Support and training to help charities to keep children and adults safe and improve how they respond to concerns.
Churches and faith groups
Support and training to help churches and faith groups to keep children and adults safe and improve how they respond to concerns.
Evidence and research
SCIE produces high-quality research and evaluations which demonstrate what works in safeguarding policy and practice.
Resources and policy research about self-neglect for community practitioners, such as housing officers, social workers, police and health professionals.