North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), in partnership with Innovation Unit (SFPC Support Partner), have developed a short, animated film on the No Wrong Door (NWD) model. ‘No Wrong Door for Alex’ tells the story of Alex, a fictional young woman who accesses NWD.
Alex’s story in the animation was built from case studies of different young people in North Yorkshire’s NWD, and from other authorities who are in the process of adopting the NWD model – there is no ‘typical’ young person for NWD. The service is open to all cared-for adolescents, those edging towards or on the edge of care in the target age range for the service (in NYCC, this is 12-25), whatever their needs.
The overall aim is to prevent young people needing to become cared for by the local authority and for those already cared for to remain close to their networks and within their communities. NWD aims for its young people to achieve permanence within their family, network or as close to this as possible.
This animation will be used by ‘adopter’ local authorities in the SFPC Programme in a number of ways, including engaging partners from Health and Police. It should also prove useful to support recruitment to the new NWD Hub teams, helping applicants to understand the culture and core values of the NWD service.