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Adult safeguarding practice questions

Published March 2015
Updated July 2018

This guidance is for frontline practitioners and managers who work with adults who have care and support needs and who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. It is relevant to people in health, housing, the police, as well as in social care – both statutory social workers, and staff in the regulated and non-regulated provider sectors. The guidance identifies a number of challenging safeguarding dilemmas, and aims to make clear how these should be handled within the new legal framework. It does not address strategic commissioning issues or discuss the role of Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs).

The guidance has been commented upon and strengthened by an advisory group that includes people with care and support needs and carers, Department of Health officials, representatives of Making Safeguarding Personal – a sector-led initiative which aims to develop an outcomes focus to safeguarding work – and professionals from the health sector, housing, the police and social work and social care.

View SCIE’s information on SABs, Safeguarding Adults Reviews and sharing safeguarding information under the Care Act 2014.

Adult safeguarding practice questions