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Housing and care

Guidance, advice and CPD-accredited training for housing providers on their role in health and social care including safeguarding, hoarding and integrated care

Housing older adults: Toolkit, webinar and Serious Game pilot study.

Tools to develop a business plan

Full housing toolkit for place-based plans for housing for older adults, including ten-step plan and business case template.

Webinar recorded April 2024

Presenting resources aimed at supporting local areas to develop their strategy and business case for housing for older adults.

Pilot study: Serious Game

Presenting findings from a pilot study of a ‘Serious Game’ called Hopetown, a tool for developing local housing partnerships.

Housing with care and support for older people

SCIE-hosted Commission. This report for commissioners and managers in health and social care develops a vision and roadmap for providing more options for housing with care and support.

About the Commission

View all the resources developed by the Commission on the Role of Housing in the Future of Care and Support, funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust and led by SCIE.

The 100-year life: the role of housing, planning and design

This report – written in conjunction with Design Council and the Centre for Ageing Better – sets out recommendations for central and local government, builders, planners, designers and lenders.

Safeguarding adults for housing staff

At-a-glance briefing for all safeguarding partners describes housing staff’s key role in keeping people safe.

Safeguarding adults for housing staff training course

It’s important that all housing staff know how to recognise a situation where a person may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect.