The Mental Capacity Act 2005 came into force in 2007. It is designed to protect and restore power to those vulnerable people who may lack capacity to make certain decisions, due to the way their mind is affected by illness or disability, or the effects of drugs or alcohol.
The MCA also supports those who have capacity and choose to plan for their future.#
The MCA applies to everyone working in social care, health and other sectors who is involved in the support and treatment of people aged 16 and over who live in England and Wales, and who are unable to make all or some decisions for themselves.
Introducing the Mental Capacity Act

At a glance
This at a glance summary presents an overview of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005, which is important to health and social care practice.

Using the Mental Capacity Act
This video explains the MCA and how it can protect the right to make choices. For people who need the MCA, their carers, and others.

Mental Capacity Act (MCA) webinar
Thursday 11 February 2016
Find out about the key principles of the Mental Capacity Act