- New year, new learning opportunities (11 January 2024)
- Season’s greetings from SCIE (21 December 2023)
- Accelerating reform update (5-6 December 2023
- NCASC and safeguarding. SCIELine special (17 November 2023)
- Accelerating Reform Fund (3 November 2023)
- Chief Social Worker’s webinar (26 and 27 September 2023)
- Leadership of strengths-based practice. Summer social care update (7 August 2023)
- Co-production Week review (17 and 18 July 2023)
- Co-production Week activities (15 and 16 June 2023)
- Independence and technology (24 and 25 May 2023)
- Training from SCIE – Safeguarding special (3 and 4 May 2023)
- Care Act 2014 resources (11 and 12 April 2023)
- Co-production survey (15 and 16 March 2023)
- Covid-19, learning disabilities and autism (14 and 15 February 2023)
- Multi-disciplinary teams webinar and safeguarding and self-neglect training (1 and 2 February 2023)
- New training, webinars and Covid-19 updates (18 and 19 January 2023)
- Updated Care Act assessment eligibility resource (14 and 15 December 2022)
- Strengths based approaches (16 and 17 November 2022)
- Join us at NCASC (26 and 27 October 2022)
- Free Mental Capacity Act e-learning (29 September 2022)
- Palliative and end of life care (7 and 8 September 2022)
- Strengths-based leadership programme (17 and 18 August 2022)
- Delivering safe, face-to-face adult day care (13 and 14 July 2022)
- Co-production Week special (6 and 7 July 2022)
- Real life impact of COVID-19 responses (14 and 15 June 2022)
- Strengths-based leadership programme (10 and 11 May 2022)
- Supporting adult carers (19 April 2022)
- Named social worker: Webinar to book – SCIELine newsletter (30 March 2022)
- Improving direct payments (24 February 2022)
- LPS:Update on Liberty Protection Safeguards guidance (2 and 3 February)
- Face-to-face care udpated guide (12 / 13 January 2022)
- Social Care White Paper (14 / 15 December 2021)
- Report: Housing with care and support (17 / 18 November 2021)
- Liberty Protection Safeguards video (27 / 28 October 2021)
- SCIE’s 20th anniversary (7 / 8 October 2021)
- Updated: An introduction to the Care Act 2014 video (22 / 23 September 2021)
- Social care funding announcement: SCIE response (8 / 9 September)
- Resident-to-resident harm in care homes (12 / 13 August 2021)
- New publications, webinar recording and Co-production Week review (15 / 16 July 2021)
- Co-production Week preview (30 June / 1 July 2021)
- New strengths-based resources and learning ( 16 June / 17 June 2021)
- Strengths-based approaches, MCA and safeguarding (27 / 28 May 2021)
- Resources on prevention, safeguarding and Liberty Protection Safeguards (12 / 13 May 2021)
- LPS webinar, vacancies and Covid-19 guidance (8 / 9 April 2021)
- Liberty Protection Safeguards (18 / 19 March 2021)
- Webinars, e-Learning and Covid-19 resources (11 March 2021)
- Social care and housing + COVID-19 updates (18 February 2021)
- Resources and learning for social care staff (28 January 2020)
- New: Free online courses from SCIE (7 January 2021)
- Strengthening Families, Protecting Children (16 December 2020)
- Ongoing Covid-19 guidance for social care (3/4 December 2020)
- Guidance for providers and safeguarding resources (12 November 2020)
- New resources for safeguarding, social work and care providers (29 October 2020)
- New: MCA, integration and innovation resources (15 October 2020)
- Social care webinars and Covid-19 guidance (24 September 2020)
- The future of adult social care. Covid-19 and beyond (11 September 2020)
- Latest resources for care providers, social workers, commissioners and SABs (11 August 2020)
- Updated resource: SCIE COVID-19 hub (23 July 2020)
- Updated social care guidance as lockdown eases (13 July 2020)
- Resources for good commissioning and practice (25 June 2020)
- Care homes and COVID-19: Advice and best practice resources (18 June 2020)
- Carers Week: New resources from SCIE (11 June 2020)
- Safeguarding adults with dementia during the COVID-19 crisis (28 May 2020)
- New learning opportunities and COVID-19 resources (22 May 2020)
- New: Dementia in care homes and COVID-19 (14 May 2020)
- New: Infection control e-learning course (07 May 2020)
- Safeguarding during the COVID-19 crisis (23 April 2020)
- COVID-19: Learning disability and autism guidance (17 April 2020)
- Coronavirus, Safeguarding and the Mental Capacity Act (2 April 2020)
- Coronavirus resources for social care (19 March 2020)
- Reablement and Personalised Care Guidance plus Training Opportunities (26 February)
- Safeguarding resources and Liberty Protection Safeguards update (6 February 2020)
- Autism, Dementia and Integration – Updated Resources & More (22 January 2020)
- Learning, Resources and News for 2020 (9 January 2020)
- SCIELine: Innovation in social care (6 December 2019)
- New Learning Opportunities for Social Care Staff (14 November 2019)
- SCIELine: New Digital Capabilities for Social Workers Report (29 October 2019)
- Leadership in strengths-based social care (10 October 2019)
- New: Safeguarding children in education resources (26 September 2019)
- New: Integrated care reports, relationship-based systems webinar (5 September 2019)
- New Social Work Recording Tool & Updated Resources (22 August 2019)
- Integrated care guides and strengths-based quick guide (8 August 2019)
- New: Transitions to adulthood guide and strengths-based learning programme (24 July 2019)
- SCIE Latest: Co-production Week round-up (11 July 2019)
- New carers’ guidance + Co-production Week (20 June 2019)
- Integrated care: Evidence base and tips for practice (4 June 2019)
- Free e-Learning & strengths-based webinar recording (21 May 2019)
- Safeguarding for charities report (03 May 2019)
- Strengths-based approaches webinar (12 April 2019)
- Integration webinar recording (02 April 2019)
- Personalisation planning tool update & free webinars (11 March 2019)
- New Strengths-based Approach Practice Framework and Handbook (19 February 2019)
- New Innovation Network (01 February 2019)
- Personalisation in NHS Long Term Plan (16 January 2019)
- Leadership in integrated care systems (12 December 2018)
- Leadership in integrated care systems (22 November 2018)
- NCASC event: SCIE and the What Works Centre (09 November 2018)
- Safeguarding in faith communities (10 October 2018)
- Children’s social care: strengths-based approaches (20 September 2018)
- Free webinar: Mental Capacity and Mental Health Act changes (29 August 2018)
- Working together: multi-disciplinary teams (26 July 2018)
- Child abuse and neglect. New resources (20 July 2018)
- Co-production Week (06 July 2018)
- The 100 year life. SCIELine (22 June 2018)
- Improving adult social care services (07 June 2018)
- Homeshare: what we know (24 May 2018)
- Free co-production webinars (11 May 2018)
- Learning disabilities: growing older (19 April 2018)
- Seeking Founding Chair for new children’s centre (06 April 2018)
- What Works Centre for Children’s Social Care: update (23 March 2018)
- Improving the experience of adult care (23 February 2018)
- Isolation & loneliness. Briefing for commissioners (02 February 2018)
- Innovation in adult care: scaling it up (17 January 2018)
- Season’s greetings from SCIE (20 December 2017)
- Measuring integration: developing a scorecard (01 December 2017)
- Looked after children and mental health (17 November 2017)
- LGBTQI+ Disabled People. New resources (03 November 2017)
- What Works Centre for Children: development starts (13 October 2017)
- Safeguarding adults – key issues (05 October 2017)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (22 September 2017)
- Hospital / home transitions – Quick guide (08 September 2017)
- Looked after children (18 August 2017)
- Named social worker findings (10 August 2017)
- Intermediate care: emerging evidence (28 July 2017)
- Assets in communities: a new model (21 July 2017)
- Co-production Week special (07 July 2017)
- Personalisation in care homes for older people (16 June 2017)
- Care homes and personalisation (25 May 2017)
- Integration webinars. Book for data sharing and view recordings (28 April 2017)
- New integration policy and research (31 March 2017)
- Transforming health and care (03 March 2017)
- Named social workers and learning disabilities (15 February 2017)
- Autism: improving access to care for adults (03 February 2017)
- The Shared Society and social care (18 January 2017)
- Social care funding in the news (20 December 2016)
- Advocacy and the Care Act (7 December 2016)
- Help with the Mental Capacity Act: New film (1 December 2016)
- Building the future workforce (18 November 2016)
- Total transformation (4 November 2016)
- SCIE at National Children and Adults Services conference 2016 (28 October 2016)
- Dementia & Care Act training (12 October 2016)
- Child neglect: new support from SCIE (26 September 2016)
- Inappropriate hospital admissions? (15 September 2016)
- Latest on integrated care. (19 August 2016)
- Deafblind assessors training. (28 July 2016)
- Using the Mental Capacity Act. (1 July 2016)
- CPD-accredited training. (26 May 2016)
- New reports on child protection from SCIE (28 April 2016)
- New MCA training from SCIE. (15 April 2016)
- New training: Person-centred care & strength-based approaches. (22 March 2016)
- New guideline. Young people and transitions. (03 March 2016)
- Mental Capacity Act webinar. Free. (05 February 2016)
- Church of England: safeguarding audits. (15 January 2016)
- Child protection + new support services (16 December 2015)
- Transferring from Hospital to home: new guideline. (1 December 2015)
- Older people: SCIE bulletin (4 November 2015)
- Bournemouth beckons, NCASC 2015: SCIE bulletin (12 October 2015)
- Home care guideline: SCIE bulletin (23 September 2015)
- Training and consultancy: latest offer: SCIE bulletin 10 Sept 2015
- Care Act and West Midlands ADASS: SCIE bulletin (12 August 2015)
- Prevention is better than cure: SCIE bulletin (17 July 2015)
- Organisational change: SCIE bulletin (2 July 2015)
- New films about dignity: SCIE bulletin (19 June 2015)
- Dementia from the inside: SCIE bulletin (5 June 2015)
- Community-led services: SCIE bulletin (14 May 2015)
- Better Care Exchange: SCIE bulletin (30 April 2015)
- ‘Leadership is about making good things happen’: SCIE bulletin (20 April 2015)
- Care Act resources: (27 March 2015)
- Support for independent mental health advocates: (16 March 2015)
- Assessment: using people’s assets and strengths: (4 March 2015)
- Special edition: Better Care Implementation Support: (25 February 2015)
- SCIE Care Act training continues (20 February 2015)
- Assessing fluctuating needs (30 January 2015)
- Prevention Library (21 January 2015)