Having a named social worker can contribute to people achieving better outcomes.
Why work with us?
Having worked with the Department of Health and Social Care to pilot a Named Social Worker Model, SCIE now works with councils to develop and implement the named worker approach in local adult social care teams. We can work with you to test, refine, develop and implement a named worker model within adult social care.

Our approach
Drawing on our national insight, SCIE employs a four-stage, appreciative approach. We work collaboratively with teams to build trust, strong team working and capability.
Create the team
Including senior sponsorship and a practice study team to drive our analysis.
Apply the model
Through a practice study comprising data from: day in life of stories; practice insight; reflective learning; and lived experience.
Make the case
Translating the practice study insights into a robust case for change and planning.
Bridge to delivery
To produce a next-steps plan for sustaining change.
Benefits of Named Social Worker Models
Working with SCIE to develop and implement a named social worker model, enables you to:
- Improve experiences and outcomes for people drawing on care and support.
- Fully embed a strengths-based approach.
- Increase the sense of professional autonomy amongst the workforce.
- Increase efficiencies and reduce duplication.

Case study: Buckinghamshire County Council – development and implementation of named worker model
Buckinghamshire Council is on a journey to implement strengths-based practice. Driven by its Better Lives transformation strategy, Buckinghamshire seeks to embed strengths-based approaches across the service which involves practitioners having different conversations with people based on their strengths rather than their deficits, and more people being supported to live independently. It has involved establishing a service based on three key parts:
- Living independently, which is about supporting people to draw on their own strengths, social networks and community resources.
- Regaining independence, which focuses on providing short-term support to help people to regain their confidence and independence.
- Living with support, to support people with longer-term care and support needs.
As part of its transformation programme, SCIE has been asked to support Buckinghamshire Council to test, refine, develop and implement a named worker model across long-term and review services within adult social care. Reflecting the national Named Social Worker model – which the Department of Health and Social Care funded SCIE to pilot – the aim of the named worker approach in Buckinghamshire is to provide more seamless, strengths-based and preventative support to people who draw on support.
The new approach will:
- Enable people who draw on care to have a named worker they contact who understands their needs and strengths.
- Reduce waits as people are no longer passed from pillar to post.
- Increase staff satisfaction and sense of professional autonomy.
- Increase focus on people’s strengths and assets.
The work has entailed:
- Design workshops with a mixture of social care staff.
- Review of best practices from elsewhere.
Ensuring the named worker model is tailored to the local context for Buckinghamshire through staff engagement events