07 July 2021
Lara Blake and Jessica Tallett, Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group Continuing Healthcare Team
We must be getting something right in Hampshire because we’ve been approached by other Clinical Commissiong Groups, asking for our expertise on co-production. The Hampshire Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and Placements Team have been working together for over two years on a wide variety of projects. These include redesigning the CHC website content by giving citizens the opportunity to input their ideas; and people who draw on services designing information booklets; as well as supporting CHC clients during COVID-19.
The group has gone on to provide expertise as part of software demos, looking at liability insurance options for direct payment holders, support around the development of the personalised care model – and has done much more. The positive impact of co-production has been absolutely paramount in service development.

Co-production and Covid-19
During the COVID-19 emergency the CHC Co-Production group has continued to work closely together to ensure that all service users have remained safe during unprecedented circumstances. This includes, sharing regular updates around the pandemic and the revised guidance, details of the local availability of PPE and where to access emergency supplies. During the pandemic the Hampshire CHC and Placements team were also able to quickly offer a 10% uplift in monthly budgets to support users to access additional PPE and other extra costs. The group has also been supporting with feedback around the access of testing and vaccination for PAs, raising issues directly to the Hampshire vaccination team.
Upcoming projects
Over the next year we have a number of new and exciting projects to keep an eye out for. These include, supporting with training of CHC staff and working to improve the availability of training for Personal Assistants in Health and Care in Hampshire, improving CHC letters and working to support the implementation of the personalised care model.
We see Co-production Week as an opportunity for shared learning across partnerships, reflecting on the benefits of co-production and to celebrate the impact and contribution of expert service users and carers in transforming health and social care services.