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National Mental Capacity Forum

The National Mental Capacity Forum is a joint Ministry of Justice and Department of Health and Social Care initiative.

Its purpose is to work with stakeholders from health and social care, together with those from other sectors (for example, finance, legal, police, housing) to identify complementary actions which member organisations can pursue, especially at a local level, to improve implementation of the MCA.

The Forum consists of a small, core group of stakeholders representing different areas in the sector, and a larger group of associate members. It brings together those responsible for implementing the MCA to identify and take forward shared actions to benefit people who use services.

What is the Forum?

Webinar series: Never stop learning about mental capacity

The National Mental Capacity Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a third series of National Mental Capacity Webinars, produced in collaboration with the Autonomy Project at the University of Essex.

About the series

Born out of necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic, National Mental Capacity Webinars provide a forum for free training and discussion for anyone involved in applying the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) in practice. These 1-hour webinars bring together experts to address specific challenges relating to the MCA, and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and raise concerns, shaping the agenda for future webinars. 

Upcoming webinar 

The first webinar in the new series will take place on Thursday, 11 April, 2024, noon-1pm. The focus will be on the challenges of applying the MCA/DoLS framework in the absence of the Liberty Protection Safeguard (LPS). 

Confirmed speakers include: Margaret Flynn (NMCF Chair); Lorraine Currie (West Midlands ADASS); Martin Sexton (Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care, Salford); Ben Troke (Partner, Weightmans Solicitors); Alex Ruck Keene (Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers).

How to register: 

Participation is free, however places are limited and advance registration is required. To register, please follow the registration link and answer the registration questions.

Videos from the National Mental Capacity Forum

National Mental Capacity Forum webinars