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Using the MCA key principles in care planning

The video looks at the five key principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), and how these can be applied to the care planning process.  It shows, through interviews with self-advocates, and health, legal and social care professionals, how the proper application of the MCA is needed to ensure that care planning is person-centred and empowering. The film stresses the importance of planning for the least restrictive option in any situation, and always acting in the best interests of people who lack capacity, and not in organisational interests. It talks about how advance decisions about future treatment can be really helpful.

Mental Capacity Act: Using The Key Principles In Care Planning

Messages for practice

  • The MCA promotes people’s human rights to make their own decisions, or to have their best interests adhered to where decisions have to be made on their behalf.
  • Care planning should be personalised – blanket approaches to supporting people are not acceptable.
  • Care planning should highlight that support is in a person’s best interests and is the least restrictive way of meeting someone’s needs  –  particularly if a deprivation of liberty is involved.
  • Advance planning and decision-making can help people retain control over their lives when they lose capacity to make some decisions.

Who will find this useful?

The film will be of use to people with care and support needs, and their families. Its main audience is social care staff in any setting, social workers, health professionals and advocates, and it contains helpful messages for managers in all of these settings.

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and care planning report