26 April 2023
It’s been announced that Kate Terroni will become the Care Quality Commission’s Deputy Chief Executive.
SCIE’s Chief Executive, Kathryn Smith, says
We are pleased that the CQC’s new Deputy CEO has a firm grounding and passion in social care. We expect she will ensure the values from social care influence the whole of the CQC’s remit.
Kathryn Smith continues:
We are pleased that the CQC’s new Deputy CEO has a firm grounding and passion in social care. We expect she will ensure the values from social care influence the whole of the CQC’s remit. “In her previous role as Chief Inspector, Kate championed improving social care through co-production, strengths-based services and housing with care and support. She focussed on the sector achieving the best outcomes for people who draw on care and support services. We look forward to continuing to work with Kate in her new role as Deputy Chief Executive.