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Care Talk and SCIE Coming out of Covid conference

Featured article – 17 November 2021

On 10 November 2021, Care Talk magazine and SCIE hosted their first face-to-face post-Covid-19 event at the QEII Centre in London.

Covid has shone a light on social care but how do we maintain this platform for a new future?

Chaired by SCIE’s Chair, Paul Burstow

This was the first time that many people had been to a face-to-face event for nearly two years.

It looked at innovative responses to Covid-19, heard about life on the frontline, focussed on achieving social care reform and asked: ‘Has Covid finally brought health and social care together?’

There was a great richness and breadth to the range of speakers, from policy-makers to people who draw on care services to care providers. They gave an update on where the sector stands in November 2021.

Speakers at the event talked on a range of subjects, from care funding to Integrated Care Systems to the challenges of winter. One big theme to emerge was concern about the wellbeing and maintenance of the care workforce, both now and in the future.

Slides from the event

We now await the publication of the two promised white papers later this year: one on social care reform and one on integration between health and social care which are essential to understand the scale of the Government’s ambition for social care.

Sir David Behan CBE, Chair of Health Education England Professionalisation of the workforce

Read Sir David Behan’s speech, ‘Professionalising the workforce’


  • Chaired by Rt Hon Paul Burstow, Chair, Social Care Institute for Excellence
  • Ian Trenholm, CEO, Care Quality Commission, The Future of Regulation
  • Sally Warren, Director of Policy, The Kings Fund: Funding reform for social care
  • Matthew Winn, Director of Community Health at NHS England: Has Covid finally bought Health and Social Care together?

Panel: The future of health and social care

  • Chair: Vic Rayner OBE, CEO, National Care Forum
  • Deborah Alsina MBE, CEO, Independent Age
  • Clenton Farqharson MBE, Chair, TLAP
  • Oonagh Smyth, CEO, Skills for Care
  • Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, CEO, Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Dr Jane Townson, CEO, Homecare Association.
  • Sir David Behan CBE, Chair of Health Education England Professionalisation of the workforce
  • Mark Adams, CEO, Community Integrated Care Life on the frontline.

Panel: Innovations and new models of care

  • Chair: Nadra Ahmed OBE, Chair, National Care Association
  • Jim Blair, Independent Consultant Nurse, Learning Disability
  • Bruce Moore, CEO, Housing 21
  • Dr Glen Mason, Chief Executive, IHL UK
  • Lloyd Page, Programmes Team Volunteer at Mencap
  • Karen Rogers, Owner, Herefordshire Care Homes
  • Professor Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care Raising the profile of nursing in social care
  • Professor Martin Green, CEO, Care England, A new vision for social care
  • Professor Dame Donna Kinnair DBE, former Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing Recognising the value of diversity in social care.

Panellists’ Question Time: A National Conversation in Social Care

  • Chair: David Brindle, Social Care Commentator
  • Baroness Rosalind Altmann, CBE
  • Roger Booker, CEO Care Sante
  • Karoline Gerlich, CEO, Care Workers Charity
  • Liz Kendall MP, Shadow Minister for Social Care
  • Anna Severwright, Co-convenor, Social Care Future.