This webinar from 2019 discussed the first publication of the Carers’ breaks guidance from the Social Care Institute for Excellence and Carers UK which outlines how health and social care commissioners and providers can expand and improve regular breaks for families and friends who care for other adults.
The guidance features some practice examples of innovative breaks that are highly valued by carers and families. These are especially useful for those looking to commission or provide similar services.
The webinar offered an opportunity to hear more about the guidance and ask questions of those involved with providing carers’ breaks, and in producing the guidance itself.
Speakers from the day:
- Tony Hunter, Chief Executive, Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Rosamond Roughton, Director for Care & Transformation, Department of Health & Social Care
- Debbie Hustings, Partnership Manager (Carers), Surrey Heartlands ICS & East Surrey CCG
- Hazel Brown, Head of Carers Services, Local Solutions