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Safeguarding adults: teaching people to protect themselves

Safeguarding Adults: Teaching people to protect themselves

What is the video about?

This short film shows how training for people with learning disabilities can help them to protect themselves from abuse. People are helped to recognise what abuse is and to understand that they can and should say no. Each session involves a paid co-trainer who is an adult with learning disabilities. The training has also been adapted for groups of older people, people with physical disabilities and people who misuse substances.

Messages for practice

  1. People can be helped to protect themselves through education on abuse.
  2. Involving people who are vulnerable to abuse in delivering training can help to get the message across.
  3. Simply getting people to understand that they can say no to abuse can make a big difference.

Who will find this useful?

People working with people who are vulnerable to abuse; people working with people with communication problems.