The Safeguarding Adults Review Quality Markers handbook supports the Safeguarding Adults Review Quality Markers comprehensive checklist.
The handbook is intended to be a live document that is regularly updated.
It aims to signpost further resources relevant to the different Quality Markers, as well as tools available to support Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) to achieve the respective markers of quality for Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs).
The handbook covers each SAR Quality Marker in turn, structured in the following way:
- Quality statement
- Key concepts
- Tackling some common obstacles
- Further reading and useful links
- Supporting tools and resources.
For each Quality Marker, each section is completed as is fitting to that marker at this time. This means some sections are intentionally blank at this stage. We expect additions to others following feedback from SAB Chairs, Business Managers (BMs) and reviewers, particularly what input would be helpful in relation to Quality Markers 6, 7 and 8 which are blank currently.
SCIE is working with Safeguarding Board Business Managers and SAR Quality Champions to develop supporting tools and resources identified as needed in recent open training sessions provided by SCIE.
The handbook will be updated to sign-post these new tools and resources at the end March 2023.
Please send any additional suggestions of links or areas where further explanation would be helpful, to