Recorded Monday 27 February 2023
A recent Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) featured suspected Fabricated and Induced Illness (FII) in a young adult. It highlighted the lack of familiarity or experience with FII among some local authority adult social care practitioners. It also highlighted the lack of safeguarding guidance related to FII in adults for adult social care safeguarding teams. The Department of Health and Social Care therefore asked SCIE to begin to fill this gap.
Local authority adult social care practitioners may have safeguarding concerns raised with them about FII in an adult in their area. FII is not a familiar concept in adult safeguarding practice, unlike in child protection networks where there is more awareness. In the field of child protection, it has become a contentious and contested term.
Join us for this webinar for an introduction for local authority adult social care safeguarding practitioners to FII when we will share the learning from a recent FII SAR. The webinar aims to enable practitioners and managers to be better informed about this contentious area, so better set-up to consider responses astutely on a case-by-case basis.
The Chair is Nicky Brownjohn, Independent Chair of Kingston Safeguarding Adults Board.
Presenters include:
- Dr Sheila Fish, leading on FII for adult social care practitioners
- Jane Wiffin, Independent safeguarding consultant
Sheila and Jane were the independent reviewers for the SAR mentioned above, commissioned by Kingston SAB. See: ‘Ella’ SAR Executive Summary