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Analysis of Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) for the education sector (2020)

This is a summary of the learning for the education sector from the report: Complexity and challenge: triennial analysis of SCRs 2014-2017, (Department for Education (DfE), 2020). The analysis brings together key trends and emerging themes arising from reviews that were conducted following the death of a child, or instance of a child coming to serious harm, as a result of abuse or neglect.

Education professionals who should understand this learning include:

  • leaders and trustees of multi-academy trusts
  • leaders and governors of schools and settings
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Designated Teachers for Looked After children
  • staff working directly with children in early years and foundation stage provision, primary and secondary schools, alternative provision settings and colleges.


This section defines Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) and walks through some evidence and emerging themes.


Neglect is the most common initial category of abuse for children on a child protection plan. See case examples and key considerations.


Explore signals to look out for through focused topics and case examples, as well as the types of issues are likely to appear.

Multi-agency working

Understand the role of multi-agency working and its importance in successfully safeguarding children.