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Safe Care at Home review briefing

Published: November 2023


The government identified evidence of abuse against people receiving care in their own homes during the passage of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. As a response they commissioned a review of the existing protections and support for adults with care and support needs who are at risk of, or experiencing, abuse in their own homes by people providing their care. The Safe Care at Home Review was jointly led by the Home Office and Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The review took place from February 2022 with the final report published in June 2023.

The review set out eight findings under three themes:

· Leadership and accountability

· Effectiveness of the local response to abuse in the home

· Research, evidence and learning.

This briefing sets out the findings along with SCIE’s views about its strengths and areas that require further development/consideration.

Safe Care at Home review briefing