Safeguarding webinar series 2022
Recorded April 2022
Leading on from safer recruitment, once our volunteers are in role, it’s important we manage them effectively to ensure they operate safely and in line with safeguarding practice. Often, and particularly in charities, it is only with the support of volunteers that we are able to fully deliver our services. They can bring such diverse levels of experience and skill; effective management can also enable us to retain and develop good volunteers.
Frequently it is our volunteers who contribute significantly to the front facing services within our organisation and as such, it is how we are judged. It is important that we manage our volunteers correctly, so they deliver services on our behalf safely and also that we retain good effective volunteers. Managing volunteers effectively is a vital part of creating a safe and positive environment whilst making a commitment to keep beneficiaries safe from harm and ensuring effective safeguarding is implemented.
The session is run by Suzanne Cottrell, Safeguarding Audits Manager at SCIE.
The webinar covers the following aspects: