Published by: Department of Health, February 2017
The Department of Health commissioned the Innovation Unit in partnership with SCIE to deliver the Named Social Worker pilot project in six sites as part of efforts to strengthen the rights of service users and their families.
This project is exploring what a named social worker might look like for people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health issues, however, for the 6 months of the pilot, all of the sites are focusing on people with learning disabilities.
The sites will have the opportunity to develop the practice, devise how impact is measured and refine a NSW service model. Each site will be responsible for developing their plan, with assistance and coaching from the Innovation Unit and SCIE team.
This second, Learning report provides more information about how each of the 6 sites are getting on, detailing the specifics of what they consider the role to entail as well as some of the lessons they are learning through implementation and their further thoughts on evaluation.
Our third and final report will focus on evaluation, whilst here we look at what it means to be a learning organisation, being responsive and adapting through experience.