Published: SCIE and Innovation Unit, July 2018
Profiles, portraits and tools from Named Social Workers who took part in the Named Social Worker programme
This set of resources complements Putting people at the heart of social work. Lessons from the Named Social Worker Programme. It shares the site profiles as well as some of the tools, stories and resources that have been created throughout the programme.
You can access the suite of products created by the programme team to showcase impact by clicking on the hyperlinks below:
- A Service User’s journey – A story of impact: experience of a service user supported by a Named Social Worker and their family
- Big Plans – a guide to meaningfully engaging people with learning disabilities in the development of their plan
- Ten steps to creating your own cost benefit analysis – a tool to help you quantify the monetary impact of new service interventions
- Evaluation Summary Report and suite of evaluation materials produced by SCIE – a set of documents that analyse the impact and learning from the programme
Download the site profiles and resources to read short summaries of each site’s approach and helpful documents produced by sites as they have been developing and implementing their Named Social Worker approaches:
- Named Social Worker Phase 2 site profiles
- Named social worker profiles
- Bradford’s reflective supervision template
- Bradford’s risk enablement panel framework
- Bradford knowledge and skill statement for advanced practice
- Halton’s transitions protocol
- Sheffield’s NSW practice framework
- Disability and society journal article from bradford – Named social workers – better social work for learning disabled people?