SCIE’s appeals reflect the wide-ranging work we do across the whole of social care.
SCIE is hugely grateful to generous individuals, trusts and companies who choose to donate to our appeals.
Our current priority area that needs your support is our 20th Anniversary Appeal. We are fundraising to raise money so that we can continue to drive improvements in social care locally, influence better policy and practice nationally and support better safeguarding everywhere. Please help us by supporting this appeal.
Current appeals and projects
Support the Social Care Institute for Excellence’s 20th Anniversary Appeal. Donate to our charity today to help us to continue to improve lives.
We are developing a number of projects to address inequality issues in housing for people with learning disabilities, dementia and BAME communities.
Recent appeals and projects – Now funded
We are pleased to confirm that our ‘Reducing inequalities in care for people with learning disabilities’ project is now fully funded and we are starting to address the inequalities that contributed to people with learning disabilities being six times more likely to die from COVID-19.