Safeguarding adults is everybody’s business. All staff have a responsibility to help prevent abuse and to act quickly.
This CPD-accredited course includes dramatised video scenarios which show how safeguarding issues can develop, and suggests ways of dealing with them that protect people at the same time as preserving their right to make choices about their lives
Course content
- What is safeguarding adults and how does it affect each and every one of us?
- How do I recognise the types and indicators of abuse?
- What can I do if I suspect that someone is being harmed?
- What can I do to make it much less likely that a person might be harmed?
- How do I ensure that safeguarding adults is managed correctly in the context of the Mental Capacity Act 2005?
Learning outcomes
- Understand your professional responsibilities for safeguarding, and how to respond to safeguarding concerns
- Know the steps for responding to disclosure
- Be aware of current best practice and guidance
- Understand the safeguarding duties and responsibilities in the Care Act
- Be able to describe the challenges of balancing safety and choice and control
Course features
Saved learning progress
Learning notes
Online assessment
CPD certificate
Email support
Works on desktop, tablet and mobile
CPD accreditation
By studying the course, and passing the assessment, you will be issued with a certificate showing 2.0 CPD points.
CPD Standards Office accredited course ref no 60036/36.