SCIE has developed a series of webinar recordings for people working in health and social care to support good practice in safeguarding.
Staff, in a range of settings, need to understand what safeguarding is about and how to respond if they have a concern. These webinars will help you develop this understanding.
Safeguarding means: Protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, and making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted.
This course is similar, but separate, to SCIE’s safeguarding adults e-learning course.

Course content
- Module 1: What is safeguarding? Find out about the key factors that define safeguarding adults, including the six principles, who it applies to and defining the types of abuse.
- Module 2: Making safeguarding personal Learn about the importance of wellbeing and the Care Act legislation and principles that underpin balancing a person’s safety alongside respecting an individual’s choice, rights and freedoms.
- Module 3: Information sharing for safeguarding Focusing on the key aspects of information sharing including the importance of consent, partnership working, effective reporting and the key legislation relevant to adult safeguarding.
- Module 4: Safeguarding and human rights Learn about the importance of human rights as a basis for good safeguarding practice, how this links to the Care Act, the Mental Capacity Act and advocacy to provide a balance between protection and empowerment.
- Module 5: Section 42 enquiries for providers Understand when and how an enquiry takes place, the role of care providers in supporting this process and who should be involved.
- Module 6: Self-neglect and safeguarding Develop an understanding of self-neglect and how best to respond. Learn how to use the Mental Capacity Act and Care Act to put the individual at the heart of your decision making.
Learning outcomes
- Understand your professional responsibilities for safeguarding, and how to respond to safeguarding concerns
- Learn about the Human Rights basis for safeguarding, and how to keep responses person-centred
- Understand the importance of sharing information, and how to do it appropriately and within legal parameters, as part of good safeguarding practice
- Understand the key principles of safeguarding, information sharing and other legislation such as the Care Act and Mental Capacity Act
- Gain confidence in your safeguarding practice and how to find the right balance between safety and choice and control for individuals
About the course
Each recorded module explores specific aspects of the safeguarding process; all six combined offer a complete overview of safeguarding adults. These sessions were originally recorded live with delegates, during Summer 2020.
Maximising the benefits of remote learning, each webinar recording provides a full presentation from a SCIE safeguarding expert. Includes the opportunity to listen to each Q&A section which took place during the live versions with delegates from across the sector.