Developed in partnership with NWG Network
e-Learning course raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation for health, social care, education and other frontline staff. It provides frontline practitioners with the basic knowledge and skills to identify and respond to Child Sexual Exploitation.
Explore the issue through the unique stories of five young people from very different backgrounds.
Course content
- What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
- What are the signs and indicators that a child is being sexually exploited?
- What is my responsibility to ensure a child is appropriately safeguarded?
- What are some of the myths and stereotypes associated to CSE?
Learning outcomes
- Learn how to spot the signs and indicators that a child may be being exploited
- Learn about different types of child sexual exploitation, including online vulnerabilities
- Understand the vulnerabilities that may keep a child being exploited
- Understand that safeguarding is everyone’s business and know how to report concerns
Course features
- Saved learning progress
- Learning notes
- Online assessment
- Certificate
- Email support
This training has been designed as an initial educational resource and is a pre-cursor to more in-depth training or as a refresher course. NWG run Foundation and Advanced Level Child Sexual Exploitation training and other specialist courses tackling CSE, such as CSE in Sport or CSE and Learning Difficulties. Find out more about NWG’s training.