A self-assessment tool, version 2.0 of the asset-based areas model for adoption locally.
Asset-based approaches were a core theme for each of the learning groups. As described in the TLAP paper Asset Based Area, the approach focuses on making visible and valuing the skills, knowledge, connections and potential in the community.
The asset-based areas learning group has co-produced version 2.0 of the asset-based areas model. It provides a self-awareness tool and offers ten points and behaviour changes for people with power, workers/volunteers and citizens. A good way of checking what an organisation will need to do to truly achieve an asset-based area.
The asset-based areas learning group has co-produced version 2.0 of the asset-based areas model. It provides a self-awareness tool and offers ten points and behaviour changes for people with power, workers/volunteers and citizens. A good way of checking what an organisation will need to do to truly achieve an asset-based area.