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Webinar: Practicable steps for people with communication difficulties

19 January 2023

About the webinar

The third webinar in the new series took place on 19 January 2023. It focused on enacting the second principle of the Mental Capacity Act for people with communication difficulties. We explored who might need supported decision-making, what supported decision-making for people with communication difficulties might look like in practice, how Speech & Language Therapists can help, and what other professionals can do when a Speech & Language Therapist is not available to provide support. We included case studies to demonstrate best practice and provide information on useful tools and further learning opportunities.

Confirmed speakers included:

  • Hannah Atkinson (University of Essex)
  • Dr Mark Jayes (Manchester Metropolitan University)
  • Dr Margaret Flynn (Chair, National Mental Capacity Forum)
  • Dr Anna Volkmer (University College London)

Webinar recording