This film shows a number of innovative schemes across the country that offer practical assistance for people with care and support needs. It features Age UK support in Leicester, to carry out minor repairs at home for people who live on their own; to ensure their living environment is safe. This enables people to live in a secure environment, which is important to promote independence. It can make a huge difference having someone come in to fix a curtain rail or fit in a new grab-rail – to assist in movement.
We also hear that Janet doesn’t like parsnips and dumplings. So, as part of the Casserole club, Clare goes to visit Janet every Wednesday and brings her a freshly cooked meal. Clare is one of the chefs of the Casserole club and loves to cook. Clare always stays for a chat and Janet looks forward to her visit every week. On the day of filming, pork chops and rice pudding were on the menu.
Also in this film on offering practical assistance, Mazie in Newcastle is on the phone. She’s part of the ‘phone neighbours’ scheme where she can chat to another member of the network. She’s built strong friendship through this network and says: ‘You don’t feel so lonely and you can get away from your problems. We’re friends’.
Messages for practice
- Practical assistance can help people to maintain independence and dignity.
- Help with small tasks can prevent people from needing a higher level of care.
- Helping people to look after their home and garden can reduce the potential for abuse to occur.
- Helping people to maintain links in the community can promote dignity and reduce social isolation.
Who will find it useful?
Care staff, managers, GPs, nurses, commissioners, people who use services and their family carers or friends who are carers.