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Dignity in care: Privacy

Our personal information, our rooms, using the bathroom, our post, phone calls, and our relationships. These are some of the things that this film looks at when discussing privacy and its role as a major contributor to providing dignity in care. The film demonstrates that if staff need to see someone’s mail for administrative reasons, that the event is signed and dated so that everything is above board.

Privacy in practice can mean making sure that a confidentiality policy is in place and followed by all staff, making issues of privacy and dignity a fundamental part of staff induction and training, and making sure that only those who need information to carry out their work have access to people’s personal records or financial information.

Messages for practice

  • It is important that privacy is respected in all care settings so that people can maintain their dignity.
  • Privacy is very important during personal care but also with regard to people’s personal space.
  • Confidentiality is a very important principle in the provision of care services.
  • All staff should understand how and when personal information should be accessed and shared.
  • People are entitled to have intimate relationships and staff should work with people to minimise risk.

Who will find it useful?

Managers, care staff, commissioners and concerned relatives. This film gives ideas on how these groups can get this complex issue right.