Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time (SARiRT) is a methodology and series of tools that aim to allow learning to be turned around swiftly, with limited demand on participants’ time. The model was developed by SCIE with funding from DHSC.
It is not an imposition on Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs), nor a panacea to the challenges of learning through Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs). It broadens SAB commissioning options with tools to support SARs at the smallest and quickest end of the spectrum of possibilities.
The model supports the identification of practical learning by enabling a focus on barriers and enablers to timely, effective, personalised safeguarding.
The approach seeks to identify social and organisational factors that make it harder or easier to safeguard adults well. Standardised processes, analytic tools and templates support a ‘systems approach’ to the analysis and efficiency of process.
Key features of a Safeguarding Adult Review in Rapid Time
Key features of the approach include:
- Strategic commissioning
- Begin clear what ‘windows’ onto your system you want the SAR to open; specifying the wider systems issues or areas the case might allow you to explore, and the one that match your local learning needs.
- Project planned process
- The timeline is agreed at the off; and
- it is separate and different from the final Systems Findings Report.
- The final output is a Systems Findings report
- This is brief, usually 5-6 pages long
- It aims to be a practical document to support improvement work by presenting the systems findings that need to be addressed.
- Providing the person or family the opportunity to contribute is part of the SARiRT process.
- Given the turn-around time and limits to capacity, where the person and/or family members have other needs stemming from their experiences, the SAB and partners may need to consider how these can be addressed separately.
Some published examples
- A Safeguarding Adults Review In Rapid Time: Systems Findings Report (The Dorset Safeguarding Adults Board, 14 October 2021)
Leicestershire and Rutland
- A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) In Rapid Time Systems Findings from SAR in respect of Adult F (Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board)
- Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Response to the Safeguarding Adults Review about Adult F (Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board)
- Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) In-Rapid-Time Systems findings report: A new SAR commissioned by Newham Safeguarding Adults Board (SCIE)
- Peggy Safeguarding Adults Review (Newham Safeguarding Adults Board)
Outline SAR In Rapid Time
An outline of the process and timeline over three months is presented below.
Month 1 | Set up meetings with leads from involved agencies and reviewers. |
Month 1 | Share chronology and key records with reviewers; send out invites for meetings. |
Month 2 | Reviewers produce Early Analysis Report. |
Month 2 | Structured multi-agency workshop. |
Month 2 | Input from agency leads to confirm systems findings. |
Month 3 | Reviewers produce brief systems findings report. |
We delivered Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time training in autumn 2023. You can watch the recordings of the seven sessions (which are one hour each).
SCIE coaching and mentoring offer
We provide support and mentoring particularly designed to assist reviewers who are undertaking their first SARiRT model. This will include flexible support such as ‘lunch and learn’ sessions to help embed the use of the process and tools, and group or one-to-one mentoring. We can shape the offer to fit your bespoke needs. For more information please contact Alison Ridley (Safeguarding Audit and Review Programme Manager).