Many Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) experience frustration that Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) processes take too long, are too expensive and don’t produce learning that is useful. The Safeguarding Adults Reviews in Rapid time (SARiRT) model addresses these issues. It is a process and tools to support SABs to turn SARs around more quickly and produce learning of practical value to on-going improvement work.
When will SARiRT training be available?
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has funded SCIE to provide two further rounds of training in the SARiRT model.
The first round of ‘lunch and learn’ training took place during October and November 2023 – these were introductory sessions, designed for people who have not yet received any training in using the SARiRT model, or for those who feel they would benefit from taking part in refresher sessions. These were delivered online as weekly one hour ‘lunch and learn’ sessions over seven consecutive weeks. Recordings are available below.
Who is SARiRT training for?
The learning sessions are for everyone involved in commissioning, conducting and quality assuring SARs, including:
- SAB Chairs, Business Managers
- SAR Subgroup Chairs
- SAR Subgroup members
- leads of agencies who may become involved in a SAR
- independent reviewers, whether internal to agencies or consultants
SARiRT training in October-November 2023 uses a flexible, modular design
SARiRT training is a modular training programme so you can choose whether to attend one or more of the sessions, depending on your role and needs. If you have not yet received any training in the SARiRT model it is recommended that you watch all seven sessions below, as the learning will build cumulatively to take you through all aspects of undertaking a SAR using this model.
More details will follow about the second round of training (spring 2024) closer to the time.
Session recordings
1. Overview of SAR In Rapid Time model process and principles
2. Preparation and planning ahead of the SAR in Rapid Time
3. The Set Up meeting
4. The Early Analysis Report
5. The Multi-Agency Practitioner Workshop
6. Developing systems findings
7. Quality assurance and supporting improvement work
Find out more
Find out more about the Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time (SARiRT) model.