Below is a list of tools, including a brief description, which may be downloaded for use when undertaking a SAR in Rapid Time.
These tools have been designed to support Safeguarding Adult Boards and case reviewers who are using the SAR in Rapid Time methodology to undertake a SAR.
The methodology enables a shorter, more proportionate review process, to deliver systems findings in addition to an analysis of the case under review. A review using this process can potentially be completed within about six weeks, although feedback from boards that have used the model suggests that often several more weeks were needed to complete the process.
1. Overview of the SAR in Rapid Time Process
Slide pack for commissioners and reviewers providing an overview of the process, with links to the recorded SCIE SAR in Rapid Time training modules, links to published SAR reports and an outline of the key phases in the review and the tools used in each phase.
2. Project plan
Excel spreadsheet for board managers and case reviewers to use when they plan out the key dates and phases in the review process.
3. Introduction for Senior Agency Leads
Slide pack which could be delivered by the board manager, board chair or SAR reviewer for senior agency leads of the local partnership. This presentation should aim to engage those colleagues ahead of the review so they understand the key advantages and differences that a SAR in Rapid Time review will provide.
4. Agency Record Check template (to request initial case data)
Template letter to send to participating agencies asking them to provide the key case data to support the review process.
5. Set Up Meeting briefing
Letter template to send to key people (SAB Chair, SAR Business Manager, SAR Subgroup Chair and Heads of involved services) who will attend the ‘Set Up Meeting’ ahead of the review starting.
6. Invitation template
Template letter to be sent to participants of the frontline practitioners and operational managers inviting them to the workshop.
7. Early Analysis Report template
Report template for use by the case reviewers ahead of the workshop and also as a structure during the workshop. It provides an organising framework to prompt gathering further feedback and to draw out wider systems learning.
8. Workshop agenda
Opening introduction and agenda for case reviewers to use at the workshop.
9. Systems Findings Report template
Template for use by the case reviewers for the final SAR report.
10. Feedback on Systems Findings template
Letter template to be sent by case reviewer to agency leads to ask for feedback and any additional data on the systems findings that have been identified.
Find out more
Find out more about the Safeguarding Adult Reviews in Rapid Time (SARiRT) model