The case is referred for consideration for a SAR with an appropriate rationale and in a timely manner.
Questions to consider for:
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Does the referral state explicitly:
what kind of abuse or neglect the person is known or suspected to have suffered
whether the person has died, or experienced serious abuse and/or neglect and survived
and whether this happened in the SAB’s area
what concerns there are about how agencies worked together.
Alternatively, does the referral give a clear rationale for a discretionary review, whether:
to learn from good practice in the case
to review practice issues featured in the case before abuse or neglect has occurred, in order to pre-emptively tackle them
or for any other reason?
Does the referral document what is known about protected characteristics as codified by the Equality Act 2010, including race, culture and ethnicity?
Does the information provided evidence the rationale given for why the case is being referred for consideration for a SAR, and include relevant supporting information?
Are explanations provided for any delays in the referral?
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Have details of ethnicity and other protected characteristics relevant to the SAR referral been appropriately recorded?
Where the person is alive, is enough known about their experience to explore the impact of the abuse and/or neglect in a person-centred way, which may include fear, shame, trauma, suicidal ideation, self-neglect, mental health and/or acute hospital admission, substance misuse, poverty and homelessness?
Is the identity of the referring agency or other source clear and recorded?