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Factsheets: Care Act (2014) legal duties

Published March 2024.

The Care Act 2014 is a key piece of legislation in the social care sector.

SCIE has developed a set of factsheets summarising the legal duties for social care practitioners when undertaking and recording assessments of need for adults and carers, including self-funders. The factsheets also explain the changes expected as a result of the proposed charging reforms (introduction anticipated in 2025).

This set of factsheets describe how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance set out the process for social care practitioners to follow when delivering a range of interventions.

Factsheet 1: Legal duties towards self-funders

This factsheet describes how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance sets out a clear legal framework for how local authorities support an individual who has sufficient assets to pay for their care and support (self-funders).

Factsheet 2: Legal duties for assessment of needs for care and support

This factsheet describes how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance set out the process of assessing an adult’s need for care and support.

Factsheet 3: Legal duties for recording an assessment of needs for care and support

This factsheet describes how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance set out the process of recording an assessment of an adult’s need for care and support.

Factsheet 4: Legal duties for a carers assessment

This factsheet describes how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance sets out a clear legal framework for how local authorities support an individual who has been identified as a carer.

Factsheet 5: Legal duties for recording a carer’s assessment

This factsheet describes how the Care Act (2014) and its supporting regulations and guidance set out the process of recording the assessment of an individual who has been identified as a carer.