Latest news, blogs, information to inform social workers and care workers in Northern Ireland, as well as upcoming events.
- Northern Ireland children’s services workforce survey report (January 2025)
- Northern Ireland children’s homes staffing survey report (January 2025)
- HSCB and HSC R&D Division social work and social care research conference: 9 March 2022
- Building a research community – engagement event: 1 December 2021
- Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice conference (March 2021)
- New structure for Northern Ireland’s Research Methods Programme (April 2021 update)
- Northern Ireland social work supervision survey findings (April 2020)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) message to Northern Ireland social care workers (April 2020)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) message to Northern Ireland social workers (April 2020)
- A collection of resources for people with learning disabilities (April 2020)
- Annual Social Work and Social Care Research in Practice conference (March 2020)
- New structure for Northern Ireland’s Research Methods Programme (March 2020)
- Minister visits co-production group in Belfast (February 2020)
- Reflections on poverty and social justice
- Annual Northern Ireland Social Work and Social Research Conference 2019
- Welcome video by Sean Holland (March 2019)
- Message of the Week: Taking the time, a podcast by Denise Withers (August 2018)
- Message of the Week: Power to People Proposals to Reboot Adult Care and Support in NI (December 2017)
- NIGALA and HSC Trusts work collaboratively to deliver a key recommendation of the ‘Care Proceedings Pilot’ (September 2017)
I am not Number
Co-production and Strengths Based Practice in Northern Ireland blog (July 2017)