On this page you can explore the principles of excellence in housing with care and support and find out about each one as well as read about examples of promising practice and case studies.
Person centred and outcome focused
Examples demonstrating personalised care and support that is outcome focused.
Community connectedness
Examples highlighting how being connected with the wider local community as well as a sense of community within housing developments is important.
Strong leadership, culture and workforce
Examples showing strong leadership and culture that support personalised care.
Adopting innovation
Examples showing how investment in innovation is recognised, encouraged and facilitated.
Enabling choice and control
Examples of services that enable older adults to have more choice and control over where they live and the care and support they access.
Promoting equality
Examples showing how people of all backgrounds can be supported to access housing with care and support that meets their needs.
Co-production and shared decision-making
Examples showing how people who draw on services can be involved in the decisions that affect them.