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Practical tools to support the SAR Quality Markers

With support from DHSC, SCIE has been supporting SABs and partners to improve the quality and impact of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs). First, the SAR Quality Markers were refreshed with the final markers completed. They identify what good looks like and include questions to support informed judgements about the right issues. See: Safeguarding Adults Review Quality Markers

Chairs, Business Managers and reviewers identified some technical aspects contained in the SAR Quality Markers, where some further input was needed. SCIE ran five open training sessions to address these areas. See recordings and slides: Training sessions – SAR Quality Markers

During these sessions participants identified further tools and resources that would help support them to use the SAR Quality Markers and improve the value and impact of their SARs. The tools and associated documents support five key components of the SAR process.

Feedback – We would value further input from colleagues who try out the tools so that we can further refine them. Please send any feedback to our inbox at:

Decision-making about whether a case requires a mandatory SAR

Tool A – supplied by South Tyneside Safeguarding Children and Adults Partnership (STSCAP)

Tool B – supplied by the Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Tool C – discussion prompts to support exploration of some common challenges that SABs experience in their SAR decision-making

Proportionate, creative, strategic commissioning of SARs 

Tool D – a briefing to support SABs to understand what it means to take a systems-based approach to learning, and to use this in their commissioning processes

Tool E – a briefing to support clarity about the range of options for SABs in commissioning SARs more strategically

Briefings and resources to support understanding of what it means to take a systems approach to SAR learning and system improvement

Tool F – a briefing for staff and agency leads on the use of a systems-based approach to learning in SARs

Tool G – a brief animation produced for staff involved in the SAR

Tool H – a brief animation produced for strategic managers involved in the SAR

Matching the kinds of products and dissemination methods to different audiences

Tool I – Recognising multiple audiences and purposes of published SAR outputs including practitioners, senior leaders, service users, families, commissioners and providers

Theory of change – developing actions and evaluating impact of SAR learning 

A further area of work yet to be undertaken, will provide tools to support the evaluation of the translation of systems findings into meaningful change and improvement on the ground.