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Housing with care and support: Population survey

As part of the Commission on the Role of Housing in the Future of Care and Support, there was an extensive programme of research, analysis and stakeholder engagement. SCIE undertook a survey to find out what adults of all ages would consider important should they need care and support in the future, as well as their awareness and perception of different types of housing with care and support.

The survey was designed by SCIE and Richard Glendinning, an independent research consultant, and was informed by the Commission’s panel of commissioners and the Commission’s Co-production group. YouGov facilitated the online design and fielded the survey.

In total, 1,543 respondents completed the survey.

We asked people what was important to them when thinking about needing care and support before asking them specifically about each of five types of housing options:

  • Care homes
  • Extra care housing
  • Shared Lives
  • Supported living
  • Retirement villages

The level of awareness of each setting and whether people would consider living in that setting varied greatly. There were some key themes in terms of the main advantages and disadvantages of each setting, but with some benefits and concerns unique to each one.

COVID-19 had some impact on how the public felt about different housing options.

View more about the Commission and its findings