SCIE is leading a new commission to develop an evidence-based vision and roadmap for housing in the future of care and support. View articles and press releases to find out more about the work of the Commission.
19 November 2021. The MJ (Local government) Magazine: A place we can call home
16 November 2021. Care Home Professional: SCIE report calls for ambitious overhaul of housing with care and support
15 November 2021. Home Care Insight: Commission calls for overhaul of housing with care sector
15 November 2021. Care Home Environment: SCIE Calls On Government To Overhaul Housing With Care Provision
15 November 2021. SCIE: Ambitious new recommendations on the future of housing with care and support
15 November 2021. Care Management Matters: New report published on the future of housing
3 June 2021. Department of Health and Social Care blog: Older adults and the future of housing
22 April 2021. Care Management Matters: Better together: Working to deliver housing to meet care needs
2 March 2021. Inside Housing: Wherever older people live, they need the right care and support in place
18 February 2021. SCIE: Boosting later life housing options key to ageing well says new report
14 October 2020. Care Markets: Commission to consider role of housing in care and support
13 October 2020. SCIE: SCIE to lead a new Commission on the role of housing in the future of care and support